東海大學 教務處 Office of Academic Affairs-Tunghai University--處本部公告-Guidelines on adjusting the instruction delivery methods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (Updated on May 6, 2022).本校因應COVID-19疫情授課方式調整說明 (2022年5月6日更新)

Guidelines on adjusting the instruction delivery methods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (Updated on May 6, 2022).本校因應COVID-19疫情授課方式調整說明 (2022年5月6日更新)

  • 單位 : aca
  • 分類 : 處本部公告
  • 點閱 : 32308
  • 日期 : 2022-05-04
  1. 截至5月3日(二)通報校內確診及密切接觸者人數共計243人,其中有97人為校內住宿生(佔40%)

    As of May 3, 243 confirmed cases and close contacts had been reported on campus, of which 97 are on-campus dormitory students (40%). Due to the limited number of domestic quarantine hotels, the fact that some overseas students cannot return home, and the situation that local students who are temporarily unable to return home must be quarantined, some readjustments of dorm assignments are necessary. The on-campus dormitory occupancy is rearranged to provide accommodation for general students and independent space for students who must be isolated. Consequently, we have decided to encourage healthy residential students to return home.
  2. 即日起,為兼顧確診學生匡列為密切接觸者之學生,以及返家之健康住宿生的學習受教權,

    From now on, to consider the education rights of the confirmed-case students, students listed as close contacts, and healthy boarding students returning home, teachers must provide online synchronous or asynchronous instruction while delivering the in-person one, so that every student's learning will not be interrupted.
  3. 原則上採行實體授課結合部分線上學習(符合前列對象之學生應提供線上教學),

    In principle, in-person teaching is conducted alongside online learning. Students who meet the above-mentioned descriptions should be provided with online instruction. However, teachers must consider the pandemic situation/teaching quality and discuss with the students to seek consensus as to which delivery mode speaks to the majority's best interest. If necessary, the whole class can be taught online. Please log in to the Academic Affairs Office to adjust the instruction delivery method. According to MOE guidelines on adjusting the teaching mode for universities published on May 5, 2022, the teachers may adapt the instruction delivery method based on the evolving situation of the pandemic. Distance learning can also be implemented to the end of the semester as long as the student learning effectiveness is the primary consideration.


    Log in to the link to flexibly adjust the teaching method: https://ithu.tw/WBrYN
     (Teachers and staff should log in with THU-NID, and students can log in to the "Student Information System" and "Course Information Network" to check the timetable for confirmation)