東海大學 教務處 Office of Academic Affairs-Tunghai University--註冊公告-【註冊-學籍公告】112學年度申請轉系甄試簡章(含申請表)0113更新


  • 單位 : 教務處
  • 分類 : 註冊公告
  • 點閱 : 9391
  • 日期 : 2023-01-12

Information for the Change of Majors Exam for the 2023 Academic Year (incl. Application Form)


1. 申請時間:112/3/13(一)至3/17(五)

1. Application Timeline: March 13 (Mon.) to March 17 (Fri.), 2023.


2. 申請程序:請備妥下列資料,於上班時間內繳至註課組。

2. How to Apply: Please prepare the following information and submit it to the Registration and Curriculum Office during working hours.

  (1) 轉系申請表(如附件)。

   (1) Application Form for Changing Majors (see attached).

  (2) 歷年成績單1份。

   (2) One Official Copy of Academic Transcripts

  (3) 相關備審資料(依各系規定,請參閱附件甄試簡章) 。

   (3) Other Relevant Documents (varies for each department, please refer to the

     attached exam info for more details.)


3. 公告甄試日期:112/3/24(五)於各系網頁公布甄試名單、時間與地點。

3. Announcement Date: Information on the list of examinees, time, and location will be announced on the websites of each department on March 24, 2023 (Fri.).


4. 舉行甄試日期:112/4/10(一)至4/14(五) 舉行甄試,請依學系公告時間、地點參加甄試。

4. Examination Date: Exams will be given between April 10 (Mon.) to April 14 (Fri.), 2023. Please refer to department announcements for the specific date, time, and location.


5. 公告轉系結果:112/4/24(一)於註課組網頁、各系網頁公告轉系核定名單。

5. Exam Results: Posted on the Registration and Curriculum Office's website, as well as on the websites of each department on April 24 (Mon.), 2023.



6. Note: For relevant regulations, please refer to the information on changing majors published on the Registration and Curriculum Office's website, as well as the THU Regulations on Change of Major.


(1) 申請轉系前務請審慎考慮,並徵得家長同意簽章;申請後不得請求變更志願,若同時錄取一個以上志願,以志願排序核准;一經錄取,亦不得請求撤銷、變更或回復原系。

(1) Students are asked to carefully evaluate their decision to change majors before applying and are required to obtain signed approval from their parents. Once the application has been made, students are not allowed to change their intended majors, and if they are admitted to more than one intended majors, they will be admitted to the one that was listed as a higher priority. Once admitted, students cannot ask to withdraw, change, or return to their original major.


(2) 休學期間不得申請轉系;進修學士班學生不得申請轉入日間學士班。

(2) Students may not apply to change majors while they are not enrolled. Students may only apply to change majors within the same academic program that they belong to.


(3) 大陸地區學生僅得申請轉入教育部核定可招收陸生之系組。

(3) Mainland Chinese students may only apply to change majors to departments approved by the MOE for admitting Mainland Chinese students.