什麼是等第制?What is Letter Grade System?
Letter Grade System is a learning-outcome-oriented evaluation system by giving grades in letters, such as A,B,C,D, and F to reflect the effectiveness of learning.
為什麼成績要採用「等第制」?Why switch to Letter Grade System?
- 順應國際趨勢
To go international in academic setting
Letter Grade System has been popular with most universities both domestic and abroad. This new policy is in place to sync with the international trend as well as to save THU graduates the trouble in having to convert grades from Percentage System to Letter Grade System when applying for universities abroad.
- 引導學生注重學習成效
Letter Grade System helps students understand from a holistic perspective where they have been placed in the intended outcome for learning.
成績百分制需鑑別 1 到 100 個等級,分數級距過於細密,除了可能造成教師評量上的困擾,也容易讓學生斤斤計較1、2 分成績之差。希冀在較適宜的級距區分下,讓學生有清楚的學習目標與努力方向,不再以追求高分為唯一目標。
Giving points in a one-hundred-percent scale tends to be too meticulous; beside imprecision on the teacher’s part, students can be unnecessarily particular/fussy about the difference of 1 or 2 points. Letter Grade System thus helps put students into the right perspective and avoid being unnecessarily competitive by comparing scores.
- 落實學習成果導向
Consolidate effectiveness in teaching
By grading with letters, the teacher has a clearer and more succinct view of students’ learning-outcome from a holistic perspective.
等第制相關文件參考 Relevant documents for reference concerning Letter Grade System