東海大學 教務處 Office of Academic Affairs-Tunghai University---110學年度第1學期 因應防疫規範調整教學方式說明 (2021/10/6更新) /  Instructions on Adjusting Teaching Methods in the First Semester of 110 Academic Year in Accordance with Anti-epidemic Regulations (Updated on October 6, 2021)

110學年度第1學期 因應防疫規範調整教學方式說明 (2021/10/6更新) /  Instructions on Adjusting Teaching Methods in the First Semester of 110 Academic Year in Accordance with Anti-epidemic Regulations (Updated on October 6, 2021)

  • 單位 : 教務處
  • 分類 :
  • 點閱 : 28436
  • 日期 : 2021-10-06




1. 師生人數為80人以內之課程,考量教師教學品質以及學生學習效果,恢復全實體上課及考試,惟仍需遵守前述防疫指引規範。

2. 師生人數超過80人然符合上課教室容留人數(詳如後附),恢復實體上課及考試,惟仍需遵守前述防疫指引規範。

3. 師生人數超過80人且未符合上課教室容留人數(詳如後附),進行分流教學,分流方式由老師與學生共同溝通後決定或是採學號單雙號配合行事曆單雙週次分流,以維持室內容留人數上限,並遵守前述防疫指引規範。

4. 班級中若有境外生尚在隔離檢疫期間無法到校,還請老師持續提供線上教學,以保障境外生安心就學。



三、防疫管理指引規範原則: (紫色標示為新修訂內容) 


(1) 教室的師生人數應為室內80 人以內,或室內超過80 人但容留人數應符合室內空間至少1.5 米/人(2.25平方米/人),並以實際座位數入座且不限梅花座/間隔座。
*容留人數以活動場所之樓地板面積(扣除固定設施設備)除以2.25 平方米計算。

(2) 採固定座位、固定成員方式進行,並落實實聯制(可採線上點名或紙本簽到);如無法採固定座位時,請任課老師拍照留存,以便後續疫調。

(3) 上課時師生應全程佩戴口罩且落實手部消毒,上課期間禁止飲食。

(4) 教室應保持通風良好(如有開冷氣,門可關閉,但教室對角處各開啟一扇窗,每扇至少開啟15公分)及定時清消,並上課如有操作設備機具須妥善清消。


(1) 體育課:應保持社交距離(室外1公尺、室內1.5公尺),全程佩戴口罩,設備器材應避免共用並輪替前澈底清潔消毒,運動場館進場師生人數應符合場所容留人數並落實實聯制、加強環境及器材之消毒清潔工作。

(2) 游泳課:控管入場人數、實聯制、量測體溫、維持社交距離、執行環境設施消毒、保持空氣流通、密切監測水質餘氯量,並除游泳時,應全程佩戴口罩。

(3) 實驗/實習課:應採固定分組,並避免學生共用設備、器材;如有輪替使用設備或器材之需要,輪替前應先澈底消毒。

(4) 表演藝術課:除吹奏類樂器外,其他項目均須全程配戴口罩。吹奏類得於演奏時暫時脫下口罩,不需演奏時隨時戴上口罩。指導人員除授課示範需要外,需全程佩戴口罩。以使用個人器材為原則,吹奏類應使用專屬樂器(吹嘴等),不得共用;戲劇類使用之麥克風以專人專用為原則。


敬祝  平安健康



Greetings, teachers and students:

As a result of a letter from the Ministry of Education on October 4, 2021, amending the "Guidelines for the Management of Epidemic Prevention in 110 School Year of Colleges and Universities in Response to COVID-19", we will adjust the epidemic prevention regulations for in-person attendance. After the discussion and resolution of the epidemic prevention team meeting on October 6, 2021, the teaching methods of this semester should be adjusted as follows:

Ⅰ. Physical classes and examinations (differentiated by the "number of students on the attendance list" and "number of students in the classroom"):

1. Considering the teaching and learning quality, we will resume physical attendance for courses and exams under 80 caps, but please comply with the aforementioned guidelines for epidemic prevention.

2. For courses above 80 caps, physical attendance is also feasible if the classroom is big enough for keeping proper social distance. Please comply with the aforementioned guidelines for epidemic prevention.

3. When the number of caps is above 80 and the classroom size is not big enough for social distancing, students should, under mutual consent with the teacher, alternate in-person attendance every other week in 2 batches--for example, odd number ones come in the first week and even number ones in the second. Please comply with the aforementioned guidelines for epidemic prevention.

4. If there are foreign students in the class who are unable to come to school during the quarantine period, teachers are also requested to continue to provide online teaching to ensure that foreign students' right to education.


Ⅱ. Applicable period: After the Double Tenth consecutive holiday ends, that is, from October 12, 2021 (Tuesday), teaching will be conducted in accordance with the aforementioned regulations. For this week, the teaching method remains as previously agreed upon.

Ⅲ. Normative principles of epidemic prevention management guidelines: (Purple indicates the newly revised content)

1. Physical attendance

(1) For caps below 80 or caps above 80 [but in a room big enough for social distancing--at least 1.5 meters/person (2.25 square meters/person)], students may be seated according to the actual seats available. No need to alternate with an empty seat before/behind or on both sides.  *The number of occupants is calculated by dividing the floor area of the activity place (excluding fixed facilities and equipment) by 2.25 square meters.

(2) Adopt a fixed seating plan and leave a name record each time. If not applicable, the teacher should take a picture each time at checking attendance and save it for subsequent epidemic investigation.

(3) Teachers and students should wear masks and disinfect their hands during class. No eating or drinking is allowed during class.

(4) The classroom should be well ventilated (if there is air-conditioning, the door can be closed, but a window should be opened at the opposite corner of the classroom, and each window should be open for at least 15 cm) and cleaned regularly, and if there are operating equipment and machinery in class, they must be properly cleaned up.

2. Sports, swimming, experiment/practice courses, performing arts courses

(1) Physical education: social distancing (1 meter outdoors, 1.5 meters indoor) should be maintained, masks should be worn throughout. Avoid sharing equipment but if needs be, disinfect before rotation. The number of teachers and students entering the sports venues should be in line with the accommodation capacity. Keep the name record, strengthen the disinfection and cleaning of the environment and equipment.

(2) Swimming class: control the number of people attending the venue, keep the name record, measure body temperature, maintain social distancing, disinfect environmental facilities, maintain air circulation, closely monitor the residual chlorine content of the water, and wear masks all the time except for swimming.

3) Experiment/practice class: fixed grouping should be adopted, and students should avoid sharing equipment; if there is a need to rotate, it should be thoroughly disinfected.

(4) Performing arts class: Except for wind instruments, masks must be worn throughout the course of other events. For wind instruments, you can temporarily take off the mask when you are playing, and put it back on when the practice is over. In addition to teaching and demonstration needs, instructors need to wear masks throughout the process. Please use personal mouthpieces and do not share; each performer in the theater class should best have one's own microphone.


Best wishes for safety and health

Sincerely, Academic Affairs Office 2021.10.06